Saturday 23 November 2019


On Windows the dialog will spin a blocking modal event loop that will not dispatch any QTimers So in other words, it sounds like when getSaveFileName is running, the event loop will temporarily only handle events that belong to the save dialog. But if I call QFileDialog:: It all just works. Although the class is called QWinEventNotifier , it can be used for certain other objects which are so-called synchronization objects, such as Processes, Threads, Waitable timers. If the event notifier is enabled, it will emit the activated signal whenever the corresponding event object is signalled. The QWinEventNotifier class makes it possible to use the wait functions on windows in a asynchronous manner. qwineventnotifier

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So in other words, it sounds like when qwineventontifier is running, the event loop will temporarily only handle events that belong to the save dialog.


Create a new thread in Qt that sits in a while loop, calling WaitForSingleObject with an unlimited timeout. Thanks in advance, Jaroslav. Thanks for the post anyway, it qwindventnotifier

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Ubuntu MATE scrollbar click jumps to click position after A separate polling thread is probably the last resort if there's no way to get QWinEventNotifier to behave. Qt and respective logos are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd. A disabled notifier does nothing when the event object is signalled the same effect as not creating the event notifier. It can be used in signal connections but cannot be emitted by the user. I'm trying to produce a Qt application capable of processing messages from Stdin without blocking the event loop.

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Is there any solution to this? After further investigation, it looks like QWinEventNotifier still exists in 4. Use the isEnabled function to determine the notifier's current status. Although the class is called QWinEventNotifierit can be used for certain other objects which are so-called synchronization objects, such as Processes, Threads, Waitable timers.

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QWinEventNotifier Class | Qt Core

The state of the event is not modified in the process, so if it is a manual reset event, you will need to reset it after the notification. See also handle and setEnabled. Any idea what to use instead? See also isEnabled and activated. It looks like Qt 5.


I have read the examples provided and they are using the select function as you have mentioned as well. The QWinEventNotifier class makes it possible to use the wait functions on windows in a asynchronous manner. I use Qqwineventnotifier for asking the user for file name. Set it up so the call to the Windows function blocks until an event occurs, and emit a signal from the thread whenever something happens.

Once you have created a event object using Windows API such as CreateEvent or OpenEventyou can create an event notifier to monitor the event handle. The real solution would be to change QWinEventNotifier into a public Qt class since obviously qwinevfntnotifier are people who use it. Just a thought… Doug. It turns out this is definitely possible to do with Qt.

But I was kind of confused, how to use them in Qt and now that you mentioned. Whenever the event object is signaled, emit a Qt signal. This is a private signal.

c++ - QWinEventNotifier on Stdin firing constantly - Stack Overflow

If qwineventnotifirr event notifier is enabled, it will emit the activated signal whenever the corresponding event object is signalled. My post continues unmodified below in case people are using older versions, or if we regain access to the QWinEventNotifier class in the future.


Then you can qwineventmotifier that signal to a slot in your program and everything should work just as well as before, ideally anyway.

The docs for the getSaveFileName member function state:.

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